Since 1892

Our sales staff has over 100 years of sales experience to provide depth, reliability and continuity to our reputation.

Mathews & Company only represent companies who are interested in a long term relationship to expand their market positions with quality products, reasonable deliveries and a reputation of integrity.

We have spent a lifetime building our reputation and we are very proud of it. Therefore, anyone we represent must share an equal reputation and philosophy. We expect and receive honesty from our customers, suppliers and ourselves in order to create a sales partnership that is difficult for competitors to penetrate.

Celebrating 50 years in 2021

California Office
PO BOX 7263
Laguna Niguel CA 92607
Ph. 949-813-1511

Kansas Office
2379 W. Hazelwood St.
Olathe, KS 66061
Ph. 913-642-9063